Getting your day off to a good start
The Hirschen Breakfast
Everything our grandma Grosi Walt served her guests, came from here, was healthy and natural.
And we still do it that way today: at Hotel Hirschen you will enjoy fresh, high-quality products from the Toggenburg region.
Grosi Walt also taught us how important it is to start the day with a good and healty breakfast.
So before you climb the Churfirsten or start your seminar day, we offer you an enjoyable selection of regional meat and sausage products as well as cheese and dairy products, homemade Birchermüesli with crunch, fresh fruit, homemade jams and preserves and fresh bread from our inhouse baker. And of course a good cup of coffee or tea to wake you up!

Our grandma Grosi Walt was what we today would call a «power woman» – a hostess par excellence who also pampered her guests as a culinary chef. The recipes for our fine jams and preserves come from her and just like she did back then, we process only the finest fruits in the gentlest ways. This gives Grosi Walt's jams their natural aromatic flavor. Our selection of different varieties, such as strawberry, raspberry, apple, or plum is the ideal complement for a healthy breakfast.
In her day Grosi Walt naturally cooked with eggs from hens that foraged on the village meadows and laid their eggs into straw nests, accompanied by lots of triumphant cackling. This has not changed: soft- or hard-boiled, fried or scrambled - we serve only Swiss eggs from free-range farms. Nothing else comes even near our kitchen! Because eggs are a staple food and can only be nutritious and of high quality if they are produced in a manner suited to the chickens' welfare.
«Zopf»: This braided yeast bread has been a beloved Swiss tradition since the 16th century and is absolutely essential for a true Swiss breakfast table. Zopf and other speciality breads and rolls are delivered to us fresh every morning from the village bakery «Alpiger».
What is now called «Brainfood» was a natural part of grandma Grosi Walt's daily menu. In her day there was no need for scientists and nutritionists. People ate what was available in the region and what could be preserved with conventional processing methods – without chemical additives and artificial preservatives. We have taken this principle to heart: on the breakfast buffet you will find a variety of foods marked as "Brainfood" that will guarantee you a good start into a successful seminar or productive working day.